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March 1, 2022 Update





            Recent changes have been made to Jefferson County and Washington State mandates regarding COVID policies and mask requirements. Cedarbrook Early Learning Center’s policies are based on these mandates, as well as on recommendations from Jefferson County Public Health, Washington State Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control. Due to the recent changes, Cedarbrook’s policies will be updated, beginning March 14, 2022.


What will change?

  • In accordance with state and local mandates, face masks will no longer be required for children, staff, or families. Students, staff, and families will have the choice to wear a mask with the expectation that others’ choices will be respected.

  • In accordance with Jefferson County Public Health guidelines, asymptomatic students will be able to remain in care after a non-household exposure to COVID-19 with required testing twice a week. Testing can be done at Cedarbrook or at home. You can also choose to quarantine for five days in place of testing.

  • Cedarbrook will return to our regular schedule.

We will be open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

  • Classrooms may combine at times, in accordance with Washington State Department of Child, Youth, and Family Services and Washington State Department of Health guidance.


What COVID policies will we continue to implement?

  • A COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all employees and volunteers.

  • Continuing to follow Jefferson County Public Health’s COVID 19 Return to Child Care Flow Chart.

  • Monthly monitoring meetings from our nurse practitioner.

  • Providing optional personal protective equipment to all staff and children.

  • We provide COVID-19 testing for children who are symptomatic or have had a COVID exposure, with parent permission.


These policies may change at any time based on local, state, or federal regulation changes or guidance. Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time.


Please contact Julia with any questions or concerns.

August 16, 2021 UPDATE

State and local ordinances require masks to be worn indoors to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


May 14, 2021 UPDATE





            Governor Jay Inslee recently announced the state’s plan to fully reopen statewide on June 30th. We are excited to also announce our plans to fully reopen Cedarbrook Early Learning Center on June 30th.


What will change?

  • Cedarbrook will return to our regular schedule.

      We will be open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Our infant room is open 8:00 am to              5:00 pm.

  • Doors will reopen to families. You will be able to drop off and pick up your child in their classroom. We do ask that you try to keep pick up and drop offs to 15 minutes to minimize potential exposure.

  • Classrooms may combine at times, in accordance with Washington State Department of Child, Youth, and Family Services and Washington State Department of Health guidance.


What COVID policies will we continue to implement?

  • Required health and temperature checks of children and staff when they arrive and throughout the day. Please check your child’s temperature and have them wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the classroom.

  • Additional intensive cleaning and sanitizing of the entire center throughout the day.

  • Following Jefferson Health Department’s COVID 19 Return to School Flow Chart.

  • Monthly monitoring meetings from our nurse practitioner.

  • Regular meetings and check ins for our COVID board to ensure we are staying up to date with current information and recommendations.

  • Providing personal protective equipment to all staff and children.

In addition to the reopening plan, Governor Inslee announced that Washington State will fully adopt masking guidelines recently issued by the CDC. People who are fully vaccinated (two weeks after your second shot of Pfizer or Moderna or the one-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine) are not required to wear a mask in most settings.

As of today, Cedarbrook will not require masks to be worn by parents or staff that are fully vaccinated. We trust our staff and families to continue to follow policies and wear a mask if required.


            These policies may change at any time based on state or federal regulation changes or guidance. Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time. Please contact Julia with any questions or concerns.


            Julia Fulton


  Cedarbrook is currently following an adjusted schedule due to COVID restrictions. 

 Cedarbrook is currently open 7:30 am to 5:30 pm until further notice. 


     Cedarbrook Early Learning Center takes the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously. The health and safety of our students, families, and staff is our top priority. Washington State has declared childcare as an essential service and therefor we will remain open during mandated state closures and for long as we feel that it is safe to do so.
     To ensure we are following all current safety procedures and doing everything we can to keep everyone safe, we have created a Cedarbrook ELC COVID board. On this board are health care professionals, hospital administration, and members of our board of directors. This board oversees all COVID policies and procedures. We also have been working closely with Jefferson Healthcare, Jefferson County Public Health, Washington State Department of Health, Washington State Department of Child, Youth, and Family Services, and Child Care Aware throughout this pandemic. We follow the guidelines provided by Washington State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control.


For additional information on these guidelines, please visit the following links:


Here are some of the ways that we are keeping children, families, and staff safe:

  • Only children and staff are allowed in our building. We ask all parents to drop off and pick up their children at the door.

  • ï‚· All visits or tours are done via Zoom.

  • ï‚· Health and temperature checks of children and staff when they arrive and throughout the day.

  • ï‚· We follow the Jefferson County Public Health COVID-19 Return to School Flow Chart for children and staff to attend.

  • ï‚· Additional intensive cleaning and sanitizing of the entire center throughout the day.

  • ï‚· We follow the Jefferson County Mask Mandate.

  • ï‚· We teach and require children and staff to follow health, safety, and personal hygiene practices, such as regularly washing hands.

  • ï‚· We follow Washington State Department of Health guidelines for reduced class sizes.

  • ï‚· No classrooms can combine at any time.

  • ï‚· Provide personal protective equipment to all staff and children.

  • ï‚· Staff are trained in health and safety protocols. This includes:

    •  How to screen for symptoms

    •  How to maintain physical distance

    • The use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

    • Understanding and practicing frequent cleaning and handwashing

  • ï‚· Encourage social distancing in all classrooms.

  • ï‚· Canceled all field trips, events, or activities that are outside of our regular care routine.

  • ï‚· Monthly monitoring meetings from our nurse practitioner

  • ï‚· Monthly virtual meetings and check in for our COVID board to ensure we are staying up to date with current information and recommendations.


These are just some of the things that we are doing to improve safety at Cedarbrook Early Learning Center. We have had no COVID exposure or outbreaks at Cedarbrook ELC at this time. We will continue to follow current regulations and guidelines as they become available.

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